Eat Well & Prosper is a blog dedicated to healthy living. Whatever your reason, losing weight, getting fit, bettering your health, this is the page for you. 

I started my own journey in 2009 and I went from one unhealthy lifestyle to another. When I was a teenager I was a sickly 7 stone, due to money problems I didn't get to eat much and it showed! When I got my own job and my own money I revelled in food, I ate junk all the time! One day my nan took me shopping for a work Christmas Party and she passed me a pencil skirt to try on, not looking at the size I tried to squeeze myself into it and it stopped at the knee. Checking the label it was a size 12, I am probably not the only girl to have a breakdown in a changing room but this was a big one! I tried every fad diet out there, yes I would drop a few pounds but I would come off the diet and pile on more. Finally I got on the scales and I found I had put on a massive 4 stone in 6 months. That was the last straw! In 2 years I had dropped 2 and a half stone by walking more and eating more healthily. The real transformation however has happened since November 2011, I started eating clean and incorporating strength training sessions 3 times a week to my exercise routine I have now lost 49lbs (just over 3 stone) and a massive 7% body fat. I tell you my story to motivate you in the right way! Anything is possible I promise you and if you follow my advice I WILL get you there :). I am now training in Sports Nutrition and hope to be a personal trainer by next year.

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