1) Kick starts your metabolism!
When you wake up in the morning drinking 16oz (about a pint glass) of water will boost your metabolism by 24% for the next 90 minutes. Great news for all you early bird workout people as you will be getting so much more from your workout as you will be burning more calories. Also drinking super cold water improves your metabolism by about 8 calories per 8oz of water consumed, neat huh? Drinking water also helps your body burn stored fat. If you’re not drinking enough water, your liver will be forced to help your kidneys detoxify your body. When you drink plenty of water, your kidneys don’t need any extra help, so your liver will be able to metabolize stored fat more efficiently.
2) When hunger strikes
Drink a glass of water! Our bodies like to trick us into feeling hungry when we are actually thirsty, so feeling those hunger pangs mid morning? Ditch the coffee and choccie bar and drink some water, then wait 20 minutes. If you are no longer hungry then perfect you were just thirsty, still peckish? Grab a piece of fruit, another great source of water.
3) Builds muscle
And the more muscle you have = higher your metabolism = more fat you burn. Drinking plenty of water makes your muscles much stronger by enabling your muscles to work harder for longer. Water carries oxygen to the cells in your body, including those in your muscles. If your dehydrated when you work out you will feel tired and lethargic and will not be getting the most out of it.
4) Bye bye bloat
Water retention is a big cause of working really hard and not seeing that scale budge. This is caused by not getting enough water and high sodium in your diet. So cut out the salt and get guzzling down that water and I promise your skinny jeans will feel looser before you know it!
5) Good for your joints
Attention all runners! You especially need to really take care you your joints - knees in particular. Drinking water helps keep your joints strong, healthy and lubricated. Your joints need moisture in order to remain strong and flexible, so that your movements are smooth and pain free.
Find water just too plain for your taste buds? Then squeeze a lemon into your bottle of water, not only is this super tasty but it helps with your digestion, freshens your breath, cleanses your skin, and boosts your immune system (perfect as winter is just around the corner).
Personal Tip: Invest in a funky water bottle, I personally love this one and set reminders on your phone throughout the day for you to drink. There are also some free apps out there that do this